How to Best Use Cloud Computing in Businesses

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Cloud computing has quickly become a reality for many modern businesses — and for a good reason. The technology offers a lot of benefits that significantly increase productivity, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and a whole host of others. In fact, according to Flexera, 93 percent of enterprises use cloud computing now.

But with these digital innovations comes a range of risks as well. There are a few measures that need to be taken to make sure users are safe and that the medium is always maximized.

If you own or manage a business that uses cloud computing, here are a few tips you may want to remember.

Application Security

One of the most attractive aspects of cloud computing for businesses is its ability to provide applications to a broader user base without investing in costly equipment or software. But this is also one of the riskiest aspects of technology.

Not all apps are created equally. Some may be more vulnerable to attacks than others. That means the users of the apps and the information that are provided may be susceptible to hacks and breaches. It will take time and money to fix, not to mention the legal consequences that may follow.

Going through each cloud computing software, making sure there are no vulnerabilities is an excellent way to mitigate this risk.

Usage Management

It’s undeniable that cloud computing improves efficiency with streamlined operations and increased productivity. That’s why it’s equally essential that cloud computing technology use is optimized to the fullest. That means following a protocol or a particular procedure when using these apps is necessary.

It may be wise to limit the number of users that can access specific applications. That will ensure that only those who need these applications can use them.

Another right way to ensure effective use is by appointing an employee as an overseer of the applications, who uses them, and how much time is spent using them.

The goal here is to make sure every piece of software is necessary and fully maximized.

Backup Strategy

It may sound counterintuitive to back up your cloud-based files, but there are several reasons for this.

In the event of cyber vulnerabilities, backups are always one of the best solutions that will help you preserve and restore your data, with little to no interruption to your operations.

There are also instances of file corruption. That is a terrible occurrence, especially if you don’t have available copies of the files or data that are stored in the cloud.

Even emails can be susceptible to these risks. Even if the email server is Microsoft, for example, files may still be lost in transition or corrupted. That’s why Office 365 email backup solutions exist as well.

Bring Your Own Device

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The risks surrounding BYOD protocols are apparent. With members of your team using personal devices to access sensitive files and software from the cloud, the likelihood of data leaks is high. The risk is further increased since these devices are also used to access other networks outside of your workplace.

Excellent security measures should be in place to vet and secure each device. It may also be ideal to limit the BYOD policy to those who need it.

Cloud computing has become a must for modern businesses. Using it has increased efficiency and productivity across many industries. Find a balance between benefits and security using the tips on this article.

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